The personal web site of Samuel Rutishauser

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Current Projects
- metaQuery Scripts: the customizable shortcut to search engines and other queryable data
- SIM-X Website: design, implementation, dynamic site management with PHP. Soon online.
- Dzogchen Community Switzerland Website: design, implementation. Soon online.
- State of Mind: thinking, working, playing.

Past Projects
- Sigg Switzerland AG Website: design, implementation, content editing.
- FDP Frauenfeld Website: design, implementation, content editing.
- Tuchschmid AG Website: design, implementation, content editing.
- knowledgework GmbH Website: logo design, design, implementation.
- Eisenwerk Frauenfeld Website: events script and updates.
- Human Coaching Website: design, implementation, dynamic site management with PHP.
- TOTALWORLDDOMINATION.CH Website: design, implementation, domination.

last update: 31 january 2002